Date Published: 06/28/2013

Professional Development and Inclusion eNews

An email update from the National Professional Development Center on Inclusion and CONNECT: The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Knowledge.

In This Issue

New Products from CONNECT

  • CONNECT Online Courses
  • Modules-to-Go Now Available for All Modules

Coming Soon

  • 2-Hour Training Curriculum on Early Childhood Inclusion

Thank You for Your Support

  • CONNECT Modules Website Has Over 1.5 Million Hits Since Fall 2010


  • Presentations
  • CONNECT Modules
  • Inclusive Classroom Profile Online Modules

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New Products from CONNECT

CONNECT Online Courses

Are you looking for CEUs in a self-paced, self-guided, free online course on early childhood inclusion? CONNECT in partnership with Quality Assist has developed a course that will provide an introduction to early childhood inclusion. This first course is part of a series of 8 online courses that are being developed  by CONNECT and QA. CONNECT modules and resources will continue to be available to support instructors while complementing these courses.

Read more


Modules-to-Go Now Available for All Modules

You said you wanted it: here it is!  CONNECT has created a packaged version of the modules that professional development providers can download and use.  Within each Module To-Go is a PowerPoint version of the online content and documents containing all of the handouts, activities, and activity guides for the module. Modules-to-Go is now available online for all 7 modules. To download the Modules-To-Go, click on the following URL and click on “Go to Dashboard” of the module of your choice. You will find a link to the Module-To-Go on the left navigation bar.

View Modules-to-Go


Coming Soon

2-Hour Training Curriculum on Early Childhood Inclusion

Development work on a 2-hour training curriculum on early childhood inclusion is almost complete. This training curriculum is designed to be used by professional development / technical assistance providers in a face to face facilitated workshop for early childhood professionals. The curriculum includes a facilitation guide, an updated Foundations of Inclusion-Birth to Five video and PDF documents of all the handouts. Look for it in July!

Thank You for Your Support

CONNECT Modules Website Has Over 1.5 Million Hits Since Fall 2010

Thank you for using our resources and helping to spread the word about us. We couldn’t do it without you! Over the past 3 years, about half of our visitors are returning visitors while the other 50% are new. Our modules have been accessed from all 50 states plus territories in the United States as well as 170 other countries. We owe it to you to help us continue to do better to meet your needs, so keep your feedback, tech questions and comments coming to us at


Handouts from the 2013 National Inclusion Institute and NAEYC PDI 2013 Now Available

Handouts and presentation slides from sessions presented at the 2013 National Early Childhood Inclusion Institute are now available:

Presentation slides from CONNECT sessions presented at NAEYC PDI 2013 are now available:

Recent Presentations

American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, April 27– May 1, 2013, San Francisco, California

Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP): Findings from the First US Demonstration Study in North Carolina
Presenters: Elena Soukakou, Tracey West, Pam Winton


2013 National Smart Start Conference, April 29¬May 2, 2013, Greensboro, NC

Quality Inclusion: What Does It Look Like and How Can We Measure It?
Presenters: Elena Soukakou, Pam Winton, Tracey West

CONNECT Modules – Springboard for Improving Inclusion Services in Iredell County
Presenters: Marta Koesling, Paula Cline, Jennifer Griffith, Dale Epstein

CONNECT: A Web-Based Resource to Provide High Quality Professional Development
Presenters: Dale Epstein, Chih-Ing Lim

National Early Childhood Inclusion Institute, May 13 – 15, 2013, Chapel Hill, NC

Assessing the Quality of Inclusion: The Inclusive Classroom Profile
Presenters: Pam Winton, Tracey West

Best for All Kids: Infusing Inclusion into TQRIS (Tiered Quality Rating & Improvement Systems)
Presenters: Pam Winton, Edna Collins, Jani Kozlowski, Mary Sonnenberg, Verna Thompson

CONNECT Modules – Springboard for Improving Inclusion Services in Iredell County
Presenters: Marta Koesling, Paula Cline, Jennifer Griffith, Chih-Ing Lim

Developing Cross-Sector Professional Development Systems: An Elusive but Important Goal
Presenters: Pam Winton, Sarah LeMoine

Including ALL in the RRT-ELC Programs and Other Early Childhood Initiatives
Presenters: Beth Caron, Shelley deFosset, Kathy Whaley

The Right Stuff: Resources to Support Your Inclusion Priorities
Presenters: Camille Catlett, Beth Fairchild

Voices from the Field: Integrating CONNECT Modules into Your Professional Development
Presenters: Pam Winton, Rhonda Roach, Sharon Palsha, Liza Contreras, Chih-Ing Lim

National Association for the Education of Young Children’s National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development (NAEYC-PDI), June 9 – 12, 2013, San Francisco, CA

CONNECT: Using 21st Century Technology to Enhance Professional Development
Presenters: Chih-Ing Lim and Dale Epstein

CONNECTing Evidence-Based Practice and Teacher Research: Using a 5-Step Learning Cycle for Organizing PD Content
Presenters: Dale Epstein and Chih-Ing Lim

CONNECT: Online Modules That Develop Evidence-Based Decision Making Skills Around Early Childhood Inclusion Practices and Supporting Children With High Needs
Presenters: Chih-Ing Lim and Dale Epstein

Closing Plenary: Preparing the Next Generation of Professionals to Implement, Own and Lead the Next Era of DAP
Panelists: Camille Catlett, Diane Horm, Eboni Howard, & Isauro Escamilla

Tools and Strategies for Building Systems That Support Young Children Who Are Culturally and Linguistically Diverse
Presenters: Camille Catlett, Eva Marie Shivers, & Debi Mathias


  • Module 1: Embedded Interventions:  Instructor Dashboard | Learner Module
    Learn about the practice of embedded interventions to help children participate in a variety of early learning opportunities and environments promoting high quality inclusion.
  • Module 2: Transition: Instructor Dashboard  | Learner Module
    Learn about practices to help support children and families as they transition among programs in the early care and education system.
  • Module 3: Communication for Collaboration: Instructor Dashboard | Learner Module
    Learn about effective communication practices that can be used to promote collaboration with professionals and families in early care and education, and intervention settings.
  • Module 4: Family-Professional Partnerships: Instructor Dashboard | Learner Module
    Learn about building trusting family-professional partnerships when working with families of young children.
  • Module 5: Assistive Technology Interventions: Instructor Dashboard | Learner Module
    Learn about the purpose, use and potential benefits of assistive technology interventions when working with young children.
  • Module 6: Dialogic Reading Practices: Instructor Dashboard | Learner Module
    Learn about the purpose, use and potential benefits of dialogic reading practices when working with young children.
  • Module 7: Tiered Instruction: Instructor Dashboard | Learner Module
    Learn about the purpose, use and potential benefits of tiered instruction when working with young children.

Inclusive Classroom Profile Online Modules

Are you interested in measuring the quality of inclusion at a classroom level? NPDCI has two online modules that provide an overview of the Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP). Read More

This newsletter is an initiative of the National Professional Development Center on Inclusion,
CONNECT: The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Knowledge at the FPG Child Development Institute. Project funding is provided by the Office of Special Education Programs.