Video 1.8: Rotina na comunidade – Ir ao supermercado

Luke is able to participate in a family trip to the grocery store with the use of special equipment. He uses some sign language to communicate, but is unable to learn many signs due to a lack of fine motor skills. This voice output device is able to speak hundreds of words for him that he would otherwise be unable to express. Here he makes requests for different foods, and tells his dad when he is ready to go home (running time: 1 min. 07 sec.).


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This video clip shows Luke a 3 year old boy with language delays, at home with his mother talking about a trip to the grocery store.  He uses a voice output device both at home, in the car, and at the grocery store to request items and let his parents know when he’s ready to go home.

Luke’s SpringBoard:
Go…Grocery store, grocery store, grocery store.

Yeah. We’re gonna go to the grocery store. That’s right.

[signs milk]

Yeah. We’ll get some milk at the grocery store.

What should we get at the grocery store? What do you want to get?

[signs juice]


Luke’s SpringBoard:
Grocery store.

Juice at the grocery store.
What kind of fruit do you want?

Luke’s SpringBoard:

Peaches? OK.

Can you point to the soup aisle?

Luke’s SpringBoard:
Go home. Home. Home. Home. Home. Home. Home. Home. Home.