Video 6.5: Preparing a book for dialogic reading


A teacher shows how to prepare a book for dialogic reading using the CROWD prompts and sticky notes. (running time: 1 min. 48 sec.)


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In this video a teacher prepares her book selection for a read-aloud that will include using dialogic reading strategies.

The teacher first previewed and read the book so that she could identify opportunities to engage children in the dialogic reading experience using specific prompts. As we’ve learned, these prompts have a specific purpose: to provide opportunities for children to practice new oral language skills, AND for adults to elaborate children’s responses and provide rich language models.

After the teacher generates prompts of various types using the CROWD Strategy Planning Sheet, she transfers them to sticky notes to place in the book.

Because this is a new strategy for her, she includes the letter (C-R-O-W-or D) associated with the prompt. This helps her identify the expected responses so that she is ready to scaffold and elaborate language when children respond.

Once all of the prompts have been transferred to the sticky notes, the teacher previews the book again and places the prompts on the appropriate pages. This helps her know when she will pose a question in the context of the text.

Now when she reads this book to her children, she is ready to engage them in dialogic reading and maximize their oral language experience.