Learn how one faculty embedded Module 1 into both online and face-to-face classes

as well as both early childhood and early childhood special education classes.
CONNECT Modules are designed using an evidence-based practice approach to professional development. Module 1: Embedded Interventions includes over 20 videos activities, and handouts. This month, instructors from both college and in-service training settings share how they incorporated Module 1 into their professional development activities. Your questions and comments are invited.
I had the great pleasure of being a participant in CONNECT Module 1 pilot study during the Spring of 2010. This wonderful opportunity presented a challenge: How do I integrate the wonderful, rich resources that were timely, relevant, and greatly needed into both online and ground (i.e., face-to-face) courses within a short timeline in terms of syllabi development and a myriad of existing standards, objectives, and required assignments? I was presented with a puzzle of sorts, but hoped that putting the pieces together would result in an effort that more effectively prepared my students to support the development and learning of each and every child and their family whom they will work with.
Prior to the start of the semester, my first step in tackling this challenge was to carefully review the CONNECT materials, spending a good deal of time within the Instructor Dashboard to determine (1) how the module complemented existing course objectives and (2) which course assignments could be adapted. As I was including the module in an Introduction to ECE course (ground delivery) and an Introduction to Special Education course (online delivery), there was a great deal of variance in the decisions I made between courses and delivery formats. Across both formats, however, I recognized in the planning stages that whatever material I included needed to be accompanied by facilitation—as this was material that represented practices that many students may not have previously been exposed to, I could not integrate materials as out of class assignments in the ground course, and had to plan for facilitated discussions within the online course.
About the Author: Johnna Darragh is a Professor of Early Childhood Education at Heartland Community College.
Community Questions
- If you have used the module before, do you have additional tips for getting started?
- If you would like to use the module, what additional tips would help in initially preparing to use the module?