by Lisa Stein
Lisa Stein from Atlantic Cape Community College shares her story about getting started with CONNECT Modules and invites
you to share your examples and questions. Links to CONNECT Module instructor support materials are provide as well.
I recently attended the NAEYC Professional Development Institute and went to a workshop presented by faculty and CONNECT staff on CONNECT Modules. I was listening to all of the wonderful comments on how to use the modules and thought about how I started using the modules. There have been many lessons that I have learned about using the modules.
To begin with, the modules have a wealth of valuable information and it may be easy to feel overwhelmed if you are a new user. The question becomes how do you sort through all of the modules and embed them into your existing coursework or practica? I learned that it is important to go slow and start small. Take it one module at a time and be sure to review the videos, and activities. I also feel that working on one new module per semester has worked well for me. Remember you do not have to use all of the resources in each module. Be selective and feel free to mix and match the activities and resources.
The Connect team is extremely responsive to questions and concerns. I have been assisted with technology issues as well as how to use the 5-Step Learning Cycle. Connect Modules have helped my students expand their knowledge on a variety of topics. The time you will put in to researching the modules will be worth it. The Connect team is aware that there is a lot of information and do not expect you to use all of it. It is there to fit into your curriculum. They do however strongly encourage that you use the resources according to the 5-Step Learning Cycle.
I would love to hear from other instructors on how you started using the Connect Modules. I also invite instructors to ask specific questions on how to get started.
About the Author: Lisa Stein is an Associate Professor, Atlantic Cape Community College
Community Questions
- If you have used CONNECT Modules: How did you first start using them? What tips do you have to share with new users?
- If you would like to begin using CONNECT Modules: Do you have any questions on how to get started?