Date Published: 12/06/2012

Professional Development and Inclusion eNews

An email update from the National Professional Development Center on Inclusion and CONNECT: The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Knowledge.

In This Issue


  • CONNECT “Ad”
  • Quality Inclusive Practices: Resources and Landing Pads
  • Modules To-Go
  • Start Planning Now to Attend the 2013 National Early Childhood Inclusion Institute


  • Using CONNECT Module 7: Tiered Instruction in an Online Course


  • Upcoming and Recent Presentations
  • CONNECT Modules

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CONNECT Impact: 3 Minute “Ad”

This jazzy 3 minute CONNECT overview focuses on the impact of CONNECT on faculty and preservice learners, using Module 6: Dialogic Reading Practices as an example.  Look and share…let’s make it viral!
View Video

Quality Inclusive Practices: Resources and Landing Pads

Locate resources to support inclusion through the use of evidence-based practices. Resources are organized into 4 sections: Why Do It? (the evidence-base), Read About It (books, chapters, and articles), See For Yourself (videos and demonstrations), and Find It Online (websites with additional resources).
View Quality Inclusive Practices: Resources and Landing Pads

Modules To-Go

You said you wanted it: here it is!  CONNECT has created a packaged version of the modules that professional development providers can download and use.  Within each Module To-Go is a PowerPoint version of the online content and documents containing all of the handouts, activities, and activity guides for the module. The Module 6: Dialogic Reading Practices To-Go is now available online.
View CONNECT Module 6: Dialogic Reading Practices To-Go

Start Planning Now to Attend the 2013 National Early Childhood Inclusion Institute

Registration for the 2013 Inclusion Institute, Opening the Doors to Inclusion, May 13-15, will begin in January 2013. The keynote address, Through the Same Doors:  Living a Fully Inclusive Life, will feature Micah Fialka-Feldman and his mother, Janice Fialka. Registration will be $250.00.
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Using CONNECT Module 7: Tiered Instruction in an Online Course

How did one faculty use CONNECT Modules in an online environment? Cathy Collie from Wake Tech Community College shares her experience on using CONNECT Module 7 with her students. Read about what she did and share your examples.
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Using CONNECT Modules to Modify Existing Courses

Debbie Lickey and Deana Buck from the Virginia Paraprofessional Early Childhood Project share how they worked with community college faculty to embed CONNECT Modules into several courses in the program of studies.
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Portuguese Adaptation of CONNECT Module 1: Two Years and A Pilot Study Later

How did learners respond to the Portuguese adaptation and translation of CONNECT Module 1: Embedded Interventions? Raquel Corval from Portugal shares her experience on using CONNECT Module 1 with her learners.
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Upcoming Presentations

A.S.K. Conference, January 26, 2013, Chapel Hill, NC.

Dialogic Reading: Implementing an Evidence-Based Practice Approach to Storybook Reading
Presenters: Dale Epstein and Chih-Ing Lim

Recent Presentations

NC B-K Consortium Meeting, October 26, 2012, Chapel Hill, NC.

CONNECT Module 7: Tiered Instruction (Social-Emotional Development & Academic Practice)
Presenters:  Virginia Buysse and Chih-Ing Lim


Division of Early Childhood (DEC) Annual Conference, October 28-30, 2012, Minneapolis, MN.

Pre-Conference Workshop: CONNECT: An Evidence-Based Practice Approach to Professional Development

Presenters:  Pam Winton, Beth Rous, Chih-Ing Lim, and Dale Epstein

High Quality Inclusion: Evidence-Based Practices that Promote Access, Participation, and Supports
Presenters: Camille Catlett, Heidi Hollingsworth, and Pam Winton

Partnering for Success, Orlando, FL, November 14-16, 2012

Keynote address: Partnering for Success:  Both a Journey and a Destination
Presenter: Pam Winton

NC Early Learning Collaborative Meeting,  August 16, 2012, Raleigh, NC

CONNECT Modules: An Evidence-Based Practice Approach to Professional Development

Presenters:  Pam Winton and Dale Epstein


NC DCDEE Full Staff Meeting, September 26, 2012, Chapel Hill, NC

CONNECT Modules: An Evidence-Based Practice Approach to Professional Development
Presenters:  Pam Winton and Chih-Ing Lim



  • Module 1: Embedded Interventions:  Instructor Dashboard | Learner Module
    Learn about the practice of embedded interventions to help children participate in a variety of early learning opportunities and environments promoting high quality inclusion.
  • Module 2: Transition: Instructor Dashboard  | Learner Module
    Learn about practices to help support children and families as they transition among programs in the early care and education system.
  • Module 3: Communication for Collaboration: Instructor Dashboard | Learner Module
    Learn about effective communication practices that can be used to promote collaboration with professionals and families in early care and education, and intervention settings.
  • Module 4: Family-Professional Partnerships: Instructor Dashboard | Learner Module
    Learn about building trusting family-professional partnerships when working with families of young children.
  • Module 5: Assistive Technology Interventions: Instructor Dashboard | Learner Module
    Learn about the purpose, use and potential benefits of assistive technology interventions when working with young children.
  • Module 6: Dialogic Reading Practices: Instructor Dashboard | Learner Module
    Learn about the purpose, use and potential benefits of dialogic reading practices when working with young children.
  • Module 7: Tiered Instruction: Instructor Dashboard | Learner Module
    Learn about the purpose, use and potential benefits of tiered instruction when working with young children.

This newsletter is an initiative of the National Professional Development Center on Inclusion,
CONNECT: The Center to Mobilize Early Childhood Knowledge at the FPG Child Development Institute. Project funding is provided by the Office of Special Education Programs.