Video 5.4: Perl using a switch and stander

Video 5.4: Perl using a switch and stander   An adult uses two adaptations, a switch device and a box to all a preschool aged child to participate in a game with another child (running time 3 min. 20 sec).   View TranscriptChloe: I want to do that. Teacher: All right, let’s do it then.…

Video 4.2: The family’s viewpoint

Video 4.2: The family’s viewpoint   Aaron, the father of little Aaron, a 4-year-old boy in a preschool classroom, shares his story and goals for his family’s future. (running time: 1 min. 37 sec.)   View TranscriptAaron: I’m grateful for the program that my two youngest children are in. I’m a single-parent of 5. I’ve…

Video 4.1: The teacher’s viewpoint

Video 4.1: The teacher’s viewpoint   China, a teacher in a large, full-day child care center shares a dilemma about how to express her concerns about little Aaron, a 4-year-old boy in her class, with his father Aaron. (running time: 2 min. 12 sec.)   View TranscriptChina: I’ve been teaching young children for over 3…

Video 3.3: Conversation with examples of attending and active listening

Video 3.3: Conversation with examples of attending and active listening   Andi, a Head Start teacher, and LeeMarie, a speech therapist, have a conversation about collaborating to address the learning goals of a 4-year-old child in Andi’s classroom. This is part one of a three-part conversation highlighting examples of attending and active listening communication strategies…

Video 3.2: The therapist’s viewpoint

Video 3.2: The therapist’s viewpoint   Ashley, a speech therapist shares her view on collaborating with a teacher in a community-based childcare program to address the goals of David, a 4-year-old boy with language delays (running time 1 min. 09 sec.).   View TranscriptAshley: I’m a speech-language pathologist and I have a large caseload of…

Video 3.1: The teacher’s viewpoint

Video 3.1: The teacher’s viewpoint   Shawanda, a teacher in a community-based childcare program shares a dilemma about collaborating with a speech therapist to address the learning goals of David, a 4-year-old boy in her class (running time 1 min. 50 sec.).   View TranscriptShawanda: I work in a child care center as a teacher…

Video 2.4: Highlights of a classroom visit

Video 2.4: Highlights of a classroom visit   A teacher welcomes a new student into her classroom by showing him and his mother around the classroom. She also reads a book to him with pictures of his new classmates and teachers. (running time: 2 min. 07 sec.)   View TranscriptTeacher: First I’d like to show…

Video 2.1: The teacher’s viewpoint

Video 2.1: The teacher’s viewpoint   Melanie A., a teacher in a community-based childcare program shares a dilemma about the transition of Tamiya, a two year old girl turning three with developmental delays, joining her classroom. (running time: 1 min. 55 sec.)   View TranscriptMelanie A.: Tamiya won’t be the first child I’ll care for…

Audio 1.5: Jackie’s Perspective (Luke’s Teacher)

Audio 1.5: Jackie’s Perspective (Luke’s Teacher) A teacher in a childcare program shares her perspective a few months after Luke, a three-year old boy with developmental delays, has joined her classroom (running time: 1 min. 53 sec.).   View TranscriptJackie: Over the past several months Luke’s made some great progress in the classroom, both on…