Video 3.2: The therapist’s viewpoint

Video 3.2: The therapist’s viewpoint   Ashley, a speech therapist shares her view on collaborating with a teacher in a community-based childcare program to address the goals of David, a 4-year-old boy with language delays (running time 1 min. 09 sec.).   View TranscriptAshley: I’m a speech-language pathologist and I have a large caseload of…

Video 3.1: The teacher’s viewpoint

Video 3.1: The teacher’s viewpoint   Shawanda, a teacher in a community-based childcare program shares a dilemma about collaborating with a speech therapist to address the learning goals of David, a 4-year-old boy in her class (running time 1 min. 50 sec.).   View TranscriptShawanda: I work in a child care center as a teacher…

Video 2.2: The family’s viewpoint

Video 2.2: The family’s viewpoint   Rosemary, the mother of Tamiya, a two year old girl turning three with developmental delays shares her view on the upcoming transition of her daughter into a childcare program. (running time: 2 min. 27 sec.)   View TranscriptRosemary: My little baby girl is on her way to preschool. I…

Video 2.1: The teacher’s viewpoint

Video 2.1: The teacher’s viewpoint   Melanie A., a teacher in a community-based childcare program shares a dilemma about the transition of Tamiya, a two year old girl turning three with developmental delays, joining her classroom. (running time: 1 min. 55 sec.)   View TranscriptMelanie A.: Tamiya won’t be the first child I’ll care for…

Video 1.2: The family’s viewpoint

Video 1.2: The family’s viewpoint   Christine, the mother of Luke, a 3 year old boy with developmental delays shares her view on a dilemma to include her son in a childcare program (running time: 2 min. 20 sec.). View TranscriptChristine: When we first thought about enrolling Luke in a childcare program, we were nervous…

Video 1.1: The teacher’s viewpoint

Video 1.1: The teacher’s viewpoint   Jackie, a teacher in a community-based childcare program shares a dilemma about including Luke, a 3 year old boy with developmental delays, in her classroom (running time: 1 min. 50 sec.). View TranscriptJackie: My program has just become more inclusive, and they’ve placed a child with significant disabilities into…

Activity 4.1a: Describe the dilemma

Activity 4.1a: Describe the dilemma Resource Type: Activity In this activity, learners watch two video clips that present a dilemma about how a teacher and father can develop a trusting partnership as viewed from their individual perspectives. Resource File (PDF):  CONNECT-Activity-4-1a.pdf

Activity 3.1a: Describe the dilemma

Activity 3.1a: Describe the dilemma Resource Type: Activity In this activity, learners describe a dilemma after watching two video clips that present a dilemma about a teacher and therapist working together to provide services for a young child with disabilities. Resource File (PDF):  CONNECT-Activity-3-1a.pdf

Activity 2.1a: Describe the dilemma

Activity 2.1a: Describe the dilemma Resource Type: Activity In this activity, learners watch two video clips that present a dilemma about a child and family’s transition from early intervention to a preschool setting as viewed through the eyes of the receiving teacher and the family. Resource File (PDF):  CONNECT-Activity-2-1a.pdf

Activity 1.1a: Describe the dilemma

Activity 1.1a: Describe the dilemma Resource Type: Activity In this activity, learners watch two video clips that present a dilemma about a child’s participation in an inclusive setting viewed through the eyes of both the teacher and the family. Resource File (PDF):  CONNECT-Activity-1-1a.pdf