1. To support transition, sending and receiving practitioners need to communicate:
- Sending practitioners identify child needs related to transition.
The sending practitioners work with the family to develop a child transition profile to help with transition planning. The profile includes questions that can help identify specific skills, needs and supports to help plan for:- child engagement in the new environment
- child’s adaptation to the structure and culture of the new environment
- Sending practitioners develop a transition plan that includes activities for the child and family.
Appropriate teaching strategies can be discussed by both the sending and receiving practitioners.
A plan for follow-up contact should be established. - Sending and receiving practitioners make frequent contact to discuss the child and family’s progress on the transition plan.
Sending and receiving practitioners communicate via email, conference calls or meetings to strategize about the child’s entry and adjustment to the new setting.
This communication can provide valuable support to the receiving teacher as she modifies the classroom environment to meet the needs of the transitioning child.