C. Plan for Implementation

Once a decision has been reached about which partnership-oriented practices to use, you will need to think about how China might implement these practices. The plan for implementation requires that you:

1. Review the partnership-oriented practices that are recommended to establish a trusting partnership.
Review the partnership-oriented practices in Handout 4.1 and Activity 4.10a with particular attention to the examples and applications that might be especially effective for China to use with Aaron.

2. Identify practices that China can use with Aaron at the beginning ground, middle ground, and firm ground phases to establish a trusting partnership.
Complete the implementation plan in Activity 4.13a to show how China can use specific partnership-oriented practices to build a trusting partnership with Aaron. (Remember that China will need to incorporate the basic communication strategies in Module 3 related to attending and active listening, seeking and verifying information, and joining and supporting.)