Audio 1.4: Kathy’s perspective (speech therapist)

Audio 1.4: Kathy’s perspective (speech therapist) A speech therapist in a childcare program shares her perspective on serving Luke, a three year old boy with developmental delays who recently enrolled. She discusses the challenges of using embedded interventions in the classroom (running time: 2 min. 03 sec.).   View TranscriptKathy: For a child like Luke…

Audio 1.3: Maggie’s perspective (program administrator)

Audio 1.3: Maggie’s perspective (program administrator) The administrator of a childcare program in which Luke, a three year old boy with developmental delays, has recently enrolled, shares her perspective. She discusses her attitudes and challenges to support the use of embedded interventions in the classroom (running time: 2 min. 10 sec.). View TranscriptMaggie: As the…

Video 1.20: Routine in a program – eating lunch

Video 1.20: Routine in a program – eating lunch   Luke uses a communication device to comment and make requests at mealtime. His teacher encourages and praises him (running time: 2 min. 02 sec.).   View TranscriptNarrator: This video shows Luke a 3 year old boy with language delays, using his spring board communication device…

Video 1.19: Routine in a program – singing with friends

Video 1.19: Routine in a program – singing with friends   Luke participates in singing a favorite song with the facilitation of his speech therapist. She encourages peer interaction and has Luke choose which verse of the song to sing (running time: 1 min. 49 sec.).   View TranscriptNarrator: This video shows a speech therapist…

Video 1.16: Routine in a program – reading at circle time

Video 1.16: Routine in a program – reading at circle time A teacher combines several embedded interventions into circle time to support Jacob’s learning and participation (running time: 1 min. 24 sec.). View TranscriptNarrator: Today, in Jacob’s classroom, his teacher is reading a book, that was especially made for him to fit his needs for speech articulation…

Video 1.12: Routine in a program – rolling with friends

Video 1.12: Routine in a program – rolling with friends A physical therapist is working on developing Jake’s motor skills, particularly his ability to roll, surrounded by a roomful of classmates. What could have been a pull-out, one-on-one therapy session was turned into a fun group activity where all children are participating and modeling his exercises (running…

Video 1.11: Routine in a program – singing a song

Video 1.11: Routine in a program – singing a song   Jack watches and imitates a classmate making motions during a song. He has the opportunity to play a game with a friend and to work on motor skills throughout the song. Watch how the teacher encourages and facilitates the interaction between these peers (running…

Video 1.10: Routine in a program – water play

Video 1.10: Routine in a program – water play   A classmate, Ava, is paired with Luke to introduce him to a new activity in water play. With the prompting of the teacher, Ava takes Luke’s hand and leads him through the sprinkler. Ava was chosen for this peer support strategy as she is a…