Activity 4.3a: Reflect on your partnerships with professionals

Activity 4.3a: Reflect on your partnerships with professionals Resource Type: Activity In this activity, learners will reflect on partnerships they have had with professionals in their own lives – physicians, nurses, counselors, teachers, principals, etc. They will compare and contrast a trusting partnership they have experienced with a partnership where there was a lack of…

Activity 3.12a: Evaluate a communication implementation plan

Activity 3.12a: Evaluate a communication implementation plan Resource Type: Activity In this activity, learners examine a completed communication implementation plan and they compare the completed plan with one they filled out as part of Activity 3.11a. They then make any changes or improvements to the examples on their plan, based on this comparison. Resource File…

Activity 3.8a: Listen to experience-based knowledge

Activity 3.8a: Listen to experience-based knowledge Resource Type: Activity In this activity, learners listen to audio clips from phone interviews with family and professional leaders in early childhood and identify important considerations relating to effective communication for promoting collaboration. Resource File (PDF):  CONNECT-Activity-3-8a.pdf