Activity 5.1a: Describe the dilemma
Think about using assistive technology to help a child communicate. What is the family child care provider concerned about? What is the family concerned about?
Activity 5.2a: Turn the dilemma into an answerable question
For young children who have language and physical delays or impairments (P), are assistive technology interventions (I) effective in promoting learning in the areas of language, mobility, and social development (O)?
Activity 5.3a: Apply the research to practice
Consider the research settings, characteristics of the adult and child participants, and the assistive technology interventions and outcomes examined. Your answer should mention specific ways in which these are similar to or different from those in the dilemma.
Activity 5.4a: Identify appropriate assistive technology equipment
View Handout 5.1: Examples of Assistive Technology Equipment to find answers.
Activity 5.5a: Create a squishy book
Activity is to create a squishy book. No hint provided.
Activity 5.6a: Describe strategies to help children use AT
- Think about how the adult shows the child appropriate use of AT equipment.
- Think about how the adult teaches the child to use AT equipment. Activity 5.7a: Describe use of assistive technology to help with access and participation.
Activity 5.7a: Describe use of assistive technology to help with access and participation
- Think about what AT interventions (e.g., AT equipment, adaptations, or teaching strategies) are helping the child gain access to and participate in activities or routines in the classroom.
- Think about what AT interventions are helping Nolan gain access to and participate in what routine.
- Think about what AT interventions (e.g., AT equipment, adaptations, or teaching strategies) are helping the child participate in what activity or routine.
Activity 5.8a: Consider the policy on assistive technology interventions
Consider Sophie’s situation and her needs, and what the laws say that she, her family and Ms. Mary are entitled to in terms of supports, devices and information.
Activity 5.9a: Consider experience-based knowledge
Note each family member’s or practitioner’s recommendations for successful AT interventions.
Activity 5.10a: Consider the unique contexts
- Describe the program Sophie attends and the attitudes and beliefs of the family child
care provider. - Your response should mention Sophie’s strengths and needs, and should mention how Sophie’s mother feels about use of AT.
- Describe how the speech therapist feels about using AT interventions with Sophie.
- Have you had experience using AT interventions to help children communicate? Describe your views on this situation.
Activity 5.11a: Use evidence-based practice decision-making
- Summarize the general evidence including:
- Research – see ‘key findings’ and ‘bottom line’ sections on Handout 5.3: Research Summary on Assistive Technology Interventions
- Policies – see Handout 5.4: Policy Advisory – The Law Concerning Assistive Technology Interventions, and your responses to questions in Activity 5.8a: Consider the policy on assistive technology interventions
- Experience-Based Knowledge – see Step 3. D, and your responses to questions in Activity 5.9a: Consider experience-based knowledge
Activity 5.12a: Brainstorm ideas for Sophie’s communication boards
Think about the particular activity and what the expectations are for Sophie. What pictures or symbols should be provided for Sophie to point to in order to communicate with Ms. Mary?
Activity 5.13a: Evaluate Sophie’s assistive technology plan
- See Step 5: Evaluation for ideas about what the team could do to determine whether the AT interventions were implemented as planned.
- Your response should mention ways to help Sophie communicate during outside time and story time.