Working together with the family, caregivers, and therapists, you need to consider which types of AT could help the child. Does the child just need a simple change to the environment, like a change in the lighting to help her see? Can an activity be simplified? Could you adapt materials or provide equipment? Can you adapt the schedule or change the instructions? Perhaps, you should try more than one approach initially to see what works best. Also consider which teaching strategies would be most beneficial in helping the child successfully use AT. These questions and considerations can be addressed using Handout 5.5: Assistive Technology Planning Tool.
Karen, Sophie’s speech therapist, completed an assessment and recommended that the team use communication boards, as well as try some basic voice output devices with Sophie during all of her routines and activities throughout the day. Sophie’s team includes everyone who interacts with her on a regular basis, including Karen, Ms. Mary, her family, and her other therapists. For an example of a completed plan, see Handout 5.6: Sophie’s Assistive Technology Plan.