Activity 7.12a: Small group instruction

Activity 7.12a: Small group instruction Resource Type: Activity In this activity, learners view a video clip of small group instruction and think about the rationale for using this instructional format. Resource File (PDF):  CONNECT-Activity-7-12a.pdf

Activity 7:15a: Consider experience-based knowledge

Activity 7:15a: Consider experience-based knowledge Resource Type: Activity In this activity, learners watch and listen to video and audio clips with administrators and a researcher, and identify important considerations about tiered instruction (or RTI). Resource File (PDF):  CONNECT-Activity-7-15a.pdf

Audio 7.1: Doré LaForett

Audio 7.1: Doré LaForett Doré LaForett, an Investigator at FPG Child Development Institute, talks about how RTI is used with dual language learners in early childhood settings (running time: 1 min., 59 sec.).   View TranscriptDoré: So there are several adaptations that could be made within a tiered approach to work with dual language learners.…