
A teacher of young children with disabilities asks Rud Turnbull, one of the nation’s leading disability policy experts, about her rights…
The mother of Luke, a three year old boy with developmental delays, shares her perspective a few months later after he has enrolled in a childcare…
The administrator of a childcare program in which Luke, a three year old boy with developmental delays, has recently enrolled, shares her perspective…
A speech therapist in a childcare program shares her perspective on serving Luke, a three year old boy with developmental delays who recently…
A teacher in a childcare program shares her perspective a few months after Luke, a three-year old boy with developmental delays, has joined her…
Ms. Paladino is the mother of six children so she has had the joy of experiencing many transitions. She has worked in early intervention since 1989…
Ms. Mullins’ experience as a preschool teacher, an administrator in a private agency early care and education program, and at the Human…
Mr. Anderson is the father of five children, four of whom received early intervention services. He has committed his life to advocating for and…
Ms. Ojeda is a Bilingual Information Specialist at the Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC) serving the families of children with…
The mother of Tamiya, a two year old girl turning three with developmental delays, shares her goals and concerns on her daughter’s transition…
A preschool teacher shares her perspective on a transition of child with disabilities into her classroom (running time: 1 min. 11 sec.).
A physical therapist of a two year old girl turning three, shares her perspective on the child’s transition from early intervention to a…
The early intervention service coordinator for a child turning three shares her perspective on the transition process from early intervention into a…
The administrator of a childcare program shares her perspective on the transition of a child with disabilities into her program (running time: 1 min…
Marshall Peter, the father of a now deceased child with multiple disabilities and founding Director of the Center for Appropriate Dispute Resolution…
Vera Stroup-Rentier has worked in the field of early intervention as a teacher, family service coordinator, and program coordinator, as well as in…
Barbara Hanft, a developmental consultant with degrees in occupational therapy and counseling psychology shares advice on communication. She explains…
A teacher in a childcare program shares her perspective on collaborating with other professionals in her classroom (running time: 0 min., 53 sec.).
A speech therapist shares her perspective on working with children in classroom settings and collaborating with the teachers and families (running…
The mother of David, a 4-year old with language delays, shares her perspective addressing her son’s goals (running time: 0 min., 57 sec.).
Dr. Beth Harry, a professor and chair of special education at the University of Miami, discusses the importance of earning the trust of parents from…
Janice, the mother of two children, including Micah who has intellectual disabilities, talks about her experiences with teachers sometimes only…
Samtra, the mother of three children, including one who has a disability, talks about the need for families to be heard and for professionals to ask…
Subarna, a pediatrician whose main interest in serving children with disabilities was inspired by her son who has global developmental delays, talks…
Rosalia, a mother of child with disabilities, talks about her advocacy work and about how to help families be advocates for their children,…
Salvador, an early childhood special educator who works with diverse families, talks about the advantages and importance of involving the family in…
China, a teacher in a child care center talks about her relationship with Aaron, the father of a 4-year-old in her classroom, and about how to…
The father of little Aaron, a 4-year-old boy in a preschool classroom, shares his thoughts on being involved in the classroom and his views on little…
Dr. Pierce has worked as a speech-language pathologist for over 20 years specializing in children with severe, complex communication needs. She has…
Robin Wisner is the mother of four boys, ages 18, 15, and 13 (twins). Her thirteen year old twins have identical physical disabilities and…
Dr. Sheila Bridges-Bond, a professor in the Department of Communication Disorders (DCD) at North Carolina Central University, discusses things you…
A child care provider of Sophie, a two-year-old with language and physical delays, discusses her feelings about using assistive technology and…
The mother of Sophie, a two-year-old girl with language and physical delays, discusses her feelings about wanting to help Sophie communicate.
Sophie’s speech therapist shares her thoughts about working with Sophie and using assistive technology to help her communicate. She also talks…
Pam Zornick, a pre-K teacher, talks about how student teachers can shape classroom practices, including a story of how one student teacher changed…
Samtra, the mother of three children, including one who has a disability, talks about why it is important for teachers to know and use research-based…
Dr. Gillanders, an investigator who studies Latino emergent literacy and bilingualism, talks about why reading aloud is important for dual language…
A pre-K teacher shares her perspective on incorporating dialogic reading practices into her storybook reading. (running time: 1 min. 01 sec.)
Doré LaForett, an Investigator at FPG Child Development Institute, talks about how RTI is used with dual language learners in early childhood…
A pre-k teacher shares her perspective on using a tiered approach in her classroom to address social emotional development (running time: 0 min., 39…
A child care teacher shares her perspective on using a tiered approach in her classroom to address academic learning (running time: 0 min., 52 sec…